
What is the first name of the “Roe Baby,” the baby central to the landmark Roe v. Wade case?

What is the first name of the "Roe Baby," the baby central to the landmark Roe v. Wade case?

Roe vs. Wade was one of the most controversial cases of the United States Supreme Court that dealt with abortion. The plaintiff was Norma McCorvey – her legal pseudonym was Jane Roe. McCorvey decided to abort her pregnancy, but couldn’t do so due to laws banning abortion in Texas, where she lived. After she won the decision in a district federal court, the case was appealed to the Supreme court.

Even though she won the case in the end, the legal proceedings took so long that she gave birth to the child she intended to abort. She gave up her newborn daughter for adoption, who would be named Shelley Lynn Thornton.

Years later, McCorvey showed interest in reaching out to her daughter. The two of them finally talked over the phone, but never met.

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