
In the opening credits of “The Incredible Hulk,” which object does Hulk toss down the hill?

In the opening credits of "The Incredible Hulk," which object does Hulk toss down the hill?

Do you remember watching the green and angry comic book superhero in the television series “The Incredible Hulk”? The show aired on CBS from 1977 to1982, totaling 5 seasons and 80 episodes. The show was a ratings hit in the US as well as Europe.

In the opening credits, the Hulk can be seen tossing a car down the hill in a fit of rage. This is the first time Bruce Banner transformed into Hulk, after injuring himself trying to repair his car. Originally, Lou Ferrigno, the professional bodybuilder who plays the Hulk, was supposed to get help from a steel cable to lift the car. However, the cable broke beforehand. In frustration, Ferrigno lifted the car all by himself.

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