
Whose idea was it to stuff the cheeks to make Vito Corleone “look like a bulldog” in The Godfather?

Whose idea was it to stuff the cheeks to make Vito Corleone "look like a bulldog" in The Godfather?

When you watched the movie The Godfather, you may have thought that Don Corleone looked especially intimidating with a stuffy cheek. That stuffy cheek was actually because of the denture that was stuffed into Marlon Brando’s cheek.

The idea originated from Marlon Brando himself, who stuffed his cheek with cotton wool during audition to appear “like a bull dog.” During actual filming, he wore a mouthpiece specially made by a dentist.

Now that you know this piece of information, you can rewatch the opening scene to see how obvious the mouthpiece is now.

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