American kids these days get their first kiss at 14 or 15. Scientists explain that the first kiss is a gateway to tiny neurotransmitter molecules which help trigger releases of a concoction of reward hormones.
It’s burned into my memory.
But I wouldn’t mind trying it again.
American kids these days get their first kiss at 14 or 15. Scientists explain that the first kiss is a gateway to tiny neurotransmitter molecules which help trigger releases of a concoction of reward hormones. Dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and adrenaline are the feel-good hormones released by the kiss.
Dopamine is the reward hormone that gives us the feeling of pleasure. It also gives us a craving for more of what released the dopamine in the first place – in this case, more kissing. Oxytocin, on the other hand, is the ‘love hormone,’ which is more about affection and attachment. When dopamine subsides, oxytocin surges, making sure that we feel attached to our partner even when we are not pleasuring each other.